雞髀肉 / 洋蔥 / 紅蘿蔔 /茄子 / S&B Vegetarian Golden Curry Medium Hot 日本咖喱磚
忌廉少許 / 麵粉少許
2. 平底鑊加熱,下油,將雞髀肉粘上少許麵粉,兩邊煎香。盛起。
3. 茄子白鑊煎一煎,盛起。
4. 鍋中加熱下油,下洋蔥略炒,再加紅蘿蔔,加水蓋過材料,慢火煮10分鐘左右至紅蘿蔔差不多軟身。
5. 下雞塊、茄子再煮10分鐘
6. 下咖喱磚兩至三格(按材料份量多少加減),煮至杰身,上碟後加少許忌廉。

Chicken Thigh, Onion, Carrot, Aubergine, S&B Vegetarian Golden Curry Medium Hot, Double Cream,  Plain Flour 


1.Cut the chicken thigh into big pieces, marinate with salt, sugar and sesame oil
2. Dredge the chicken thigh in some flour.
3. Hot a pan, add some oil and pan fry the chicken thigh for 2 minutes
4. Cut Aubergine into pieces, pan fry it on a pan without oil
5. Hot a pot, add oil and stir fry some onion, then add carrot and water good enough to cover the carrot. Boil for around 10 minutes in low heat
6. Add chicken thigh and aubergine into the pot and boil for another 10 minutes
7. Add the S&B Vegetarian Golden Curry Medium Hot, around 2 -3 cubes, and mix until the sauce is thicken
8. Serve in a deep dish, with some double cream on top